Thursday, 21 August 2014

Wax on. Wax off.

Hello my beautiful peeps. 
Spring is only around the corner. Time to get out the shorts and skirts. But wait, those neglected leg hairs need some overdue attention. My hubby can't tell the difference between his legs to mine. (Arrrrghhh).
So what do you decide to do? Shave? Wax? Laser? Don't even let me hear you say the hand mitt - you might as well light a fire, cause that's what the friction to the skin smells like, not to mention the damage it does to your skin. It's like sandpaper for the hairs - ewwwww.
Shaving is ideal as it's quick and you can do it yourself. But, if you're like me, there's regrowth by lunch time. Shaving removes the hair from the skin surface. Hairs grow back sharp and prickly - just ask my hubby.
Waxing on the other hand, removes the hair from the hair follicle, leaving the skin smooth for about a month - depending on how quick your hair grows. Did you know hair grows quicker in Summer? 
Waxing is best done by a professional so that hair is removed in the correct direction. Doing it yourself runs the risk of pulling in the wrong direction, causing the hair to snap off and ingrown hairs may develop. It will feel like you have just shaved. Hairs actually grow back finer and softer. 
Don't be disgruntled if you still feel sharp hairs after your wax. Hair grows in 3 stages (a lesson to be given at a later date), therefore you are actually feeling new growth that is too short to remove by waxing. These hairs are really short so won't stand out. Phew!
Does waxing hurt? Ummmmm......hell yeh. But suck it up princess. Beauty is pain. 
Finally, there is Laser Hair Removal. A more permanent form of hair removal after so many required sessions.  It's a lot more expensive but the end result is awesome. 
BUT. There always is a BUT. Not everyone is a candidate for this procedure. If you have dark hair on the area to be lasered, head on over to a Laser clinic and begin de-hairing. If you have light coloured hair, I'm afraid you will waste your $$$$. Laser only successfully works on dark pigmented hair. Always discuss your options with the Therapist.
So ladies, and gents, get those pins ready for the warmer weather that is fast approaching and enjoy snuggling next to your partner, without feeling like a gorilla.
SK x

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