Saturday, 23 August 2014

A day in the life of a Make up Artist.

Bonjour my lovelies!
Give me a blank canvas and I will paint you a Monet. Well, not really. But I will make you feel a million dollars (who even has a million dollars lol).
'Love the job you do and you will never have to work a day in your life'. Yep! That's me. Sminka Ink. Make up by Sandra (you can find my page on Facebook).
What does 'sminka' mean you ask. It's LIPSTICK in Croatian. This is my second language, so it was only fitting to include my roots in my business name.
I'm fortunate enough to be booked for wedding make up each weekend. It's awesome. I get to witness the transformation of my beautiful client.
My day can begin early. The earliest morning I can recall was 4.30am. You need to be punctual or you could run the risk of making everyone late.
I have a great network of hairdressers I work with. Their creativity inspires me and together we work our magic. (NB. I am no magician. More like a fairy godmother - only I don't have a wand).
Bridal parties can be small or large - the most I've ever done was 11 in one party. I have had 16 clients in one day that included make up for a special occasion. (My family ate caviar that week....jokes).
People often ask me if I deal with any BRIDEZILLAS. I think as a mother of 4 - three of which are female - no bad behaviour phases me. If they are nervous or are behaving bridezilla-ish, my witty sense of humour usually brings them back down to earth. It's the mother in me!
I have a strict schedule where I allow myself half an hour per person for make up and I like to think I am thorough and in control. It's all about communication and taking charge of the situation.
The bridal party can also include make up for mums and mother-inlaws (insert small print here...I'll make her look like a clown for an extra $50........) and sometimes even nanna's are beautified for the special day.
Once everyone is powdered, lipstick applied and lashes are glued on, its time to wish the bride the very best and I'm off my merry way. This can all happen before lunchtime, which leaves the rest of the day for further clients and beauty therapy.
I love my job. The best part is seeing my client stare into the mirror and say "Gees I look hot". The worst part??? Ummmmm, nothing really. Maybe cleaning my brushes and my clothes wearing the make up.
Make up artists work hard and we truly love making you feel beautiful.
On that note, my next client has arrived and I'm off to create some magic!
SK x

Getting married? Call Sminka Ink Make up by Sandra  ~ 0418648384.

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