Monday, 1 December 2014


I just have to mention the word CHRISTMAS and the response I get is either, "Can't wait", or "Please shooosh".

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I used to be the 'shooosh' girl but as I have gotten older matured, I realise it doesn't matter if I don't grab the right presents or the best turkey (FYI - lets pretend I cook a turkey.......I don't), its the time of year we celebrate the birth of Jesus - religious or not - and gather with loved ones and celebrate.

Pic courtesy of Google Images

CELELBRATION on the other hand, means wine, champers and cocktails!!!!!!!!! With your besties of course. A time to reflect upon the year that was and a time to just chill and talk to one another and EAT.  Did I mention EAT?????? OMG......... that one day of the year and somehow we all gain weight. It's like our brain tells us, "okay its Christmas - stuff your faces and gain some weight and we will worry about losing the extra kilos in the next 12 months". Arrrgggghhhh........ vicious circle I say.

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Now, I'm a last minute type of gal. I shop better under pressure so its fair to say I leave everything till the week of Christmas. I've been doing this for years and I'm not about to change now. People don't realise that some of the sales actually begin before the big day. So when I can grab the gift I intended to buy all along and I pay less, its a win-win situation.

Now for the part that I want to discuss. The stress that Christmas can cause is really brought upon ourselves. There is no rule you have to have the best tree, or the most expensive gift under the tree, or house filled with mistletoe (unless the pool boy is invited to your Christmas dinner - then I suggest you cover your entire ceiling with mistletoe). 

Everyone is too busy trying to impress everyone else and the stress begins to show. And by 'show', I mean hair pulling, crease lines deepen on the face, excessive alcohol consumption to lessen the stress and the ANXIETY and HEART PALPITATIONS. Really people????? Is all that necessary for one day. The true meaning of Christmas regardless of the religion you follow, has certainly dispersed and is lost somewhere amongst the tinsel and baubles.

Christmas time should be about chill time, celebration, spending time with the kids that you haven't seen because you have been flat out working, sharing stories, eating heaps but knowing its okay to indulge for one day and drinking loads of champers.

This is the path I'm going down this year. I hate worrying about having no money to satisfy the wants of others. I don't want to wear the crease lines or have my hair falling out from stress. I want to be happy, healthy and give thanks that I am alive and my family is safe and healthy. If Santa doesn't bring me a good gift now that I have encouraged happiness at Christmas time, I'll be disappointed!!!!!! Hope hubby reads this......... just saying??

To finish up, here are some survival BEAUTY TIPS to get you through the month of December so that you SHINE on Christmas Day!!!!!

* SLIP SLOP SLAP - yes peeps. Continue to put on SPF before you head off outside. The sun produces the strongest UV rays from 11am to 3pm. And don't forget, you must reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours for maximum protection.

* Get a facial - come to me..... lol - and give your skin a glowing platform to prepare you for the party season.

* Drink loads of WATER. It's important to keep hydrated especially if you are stressed during this season. I like to add ice cubes, lemon and lime to refresh my palette. Try drinking a glass of chilled water in between alcohol too.

* Go for a walk either first thing in the morning or late in the evening when its cooler, to clear your thoughts from all the mumble jumble.

* Go check out Sephora in Pitt Street Sydney........ this is a cheeky one but hey it doesn't hurt to go and have a look, play and perhaps make a few purchases for yourself or for pressies. Sephora will open this week on the 5 December 2015. It's a fabulous beauty shop where you will feel like you are in BEAUTY HEAVEN.

* Next party you attend, add some sparkle to your eyes. Glitter means fun. Even if you only pop it on under your bottom lash line, it will spell, FUN!!!!

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So please try and enjoy this time people. It only comes around every 12 months. Don't stress but relax!!!! Don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses or the Kardashians. Make it YOUR Christmas and YOUR special day.

Stay safe.

SK x

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