Wednesday, 9 September 2015


I'm too afraid to blink. The year has certainly flown by, but I am pleased with the various challenges and rewards that have been thrown my way.

Forty-something is what I like to be referred to as. I mean, if I have to tick a box on a survey, it's never an exact age - rather a range, i.e 35-40; 41-46; etc.
For years I have pushed MY DAY aside - just another day - but I have come to the realisation it is a celebration of life! My life.
Me ~ the Forty-something
And so it should be a celebration - I'm alive! I have finally emerged into the woman I only once dreamed of. I have found confidence in all that I do.
I no longer worry what others think, rather I use their judgements to fly even higher.
Does it matter if they don't agree with my thoughts, ideas, actions and words? I shouldn't feel as though I have to please others.

I'm not perfect - far from actually - but then what is perfection? This world is big enough for many thoughts and ideas - I will not allow my voice not to be heard.

Forty-something!  Is it the new COMING OF AGE for us women? I was married in my early 20s and had all 4 of my children by my 31st year. My 30's was all about sweatpants,  hair pulled back and kid's backpacks which replaced my handbag. And when I finally reached 40 - I was scared. Scared of getting old. Scared that now I was too old for fun.

Well I'm only days away from my 42nd BIRTHDAY and this mama is feeling fabulous.
I really do not know who filled my brain with these silly ideas. Forty-something women have momentum in doing anything and everything.

I love my job as a Freelance Make Up Artist / Beauty Therapist / Make up Trainer ~ and I'm finally confident to say I am good at what I do.

I was nominated for this Award
In the MUA Category.
As a wife - I respect my role as the one who holds it together and that my husband is my backbone - holding me up and giving me motivation.

My husband. My best friend.

As a mother; I am a role model to my children. I try to set examples that make them want to perform their best and to be proud of all that they do.  I want them to respect themselves.

So this year, I would like to make a toast to all forty-something women. Believe in yourself. Stand tall. And love life the way YOU want to.

Pic courtesy of Google Images 

SK 💋

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