Thursday, 12 March 2015


We've all heard the saying, "beauty is pain" ~ think of waxing; laser; piercings, tattooing, etc. But what about what we are putting onto our skin? Do you really know what's in your moisturiser; shampoo or even your cleanser? Smells good. Looks good. Should be good, right? WRONG!
Picture Courtesy of Goolge Images.

Unfortunately there are ingredients in some products that may be causing us health issues or even skin irritation.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about ALL beauty products on the market. Just those that contain harsh chemicals and parabens.

Next time you purchase a beauty item; check out the ingredients. Generally, the first 3 or 4 listed ingredients are the most active and make up most of the product.

Pictures courtesy of Google Images. 

For example, if your body wash states it's infused with "essential oils" ~ if it is listed towards the end of the ingredient list; then I can assure you there may only be 1% of an essential oil included. So much for "infusion".

You will find that WATER or AQUA is at the top of the list.  Water is essential to add to beauty products.  You may then find SLS's written. This stands for Sodium Lauryl Sulphate - it has been found to be a carcinogenic and is usually a culprit to cause skin irritation.

Manufacturers add SLS's to the item to create a "soap sud" effect. (Think of dishwashing liquid). Imagine what that would be doing to your skin. STRIPPING the natural oils in the skin is what it does.

Another ingredient you may come across is MINERAL OIL. This is derived from Petroleum. Without me going into too much of a chemistry lesson - just think of the word PETROLeum. Yes, petrol is made from this as well. AND you may be putting this onto your skin.

I think I have painted a brief enough picture, in order for you to understand that BEAUTY isn't always Beautiful!
Looking for more valuable information ~ get your hands on this great book!

SK x

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